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Updated August 17 2020 - New COVID information


  1. Vaughan Rheumatology Centre is a welcoming and inclusive environment.  We strive to provide high-quality patient care in a professional environment.  Please be aware that abuse of staff will not be tolerated.

  2. We require a minimum of 48 hours notice to cancel an appointment.  Missed appointments or cancelling with less than 48 hours notice will result in a missed appointment fee. ($100 for a first-consultation or $40 for a follow-up appointment)

  3. We strive to return phone-calls within 2 business days.  Please do not leave multiple messages, as this results in longer wait times for return calls.

  4. Patients and Chaperones MUST wear masks that cover nose and mouth.

  5. Please arrive on time, not early or late.  We are trying to minimize traffic in our waiting room.  If you arrive early, be prepared to wait in your car until the appropriate time.

  6. You must sanitize your hands upon entry to the clinic

  7. Please bring a current list of medications OR bring your medication bottles to every visit

  8. You will receive an automated reminder 1 week before your appointment.  You may choose to receive your reminder by email, text message, or phone call.  It is your responsibility to ensure that your contact information is up-to-date.

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